Clubs & Organizations

Student Council

Ms. Morris,  Mrs. Parks, and Mrs. Soto are the Student Council Coordinators for the 2023-2024 school year.  Student Council officers are students in grades 4th-8th and sponsor school activities for all students. 


Ms. Sarah Gaipa is the Ripon Unified School District Elementary Band teacher. Elementary Band consists of students in 4-8th grades that wish to learn to play an instrument.  Ms. Gaipa is on site on Thursdays for lessons with band students at Weston.  Those students that are in Concert Band meet in the mornings before school at Park View Elementary and take the school bus from Park View to Weston.

Safety Patrol

Mrs. Thompson is the Safety Patrol Coordinator. Students in 5th & 6th grades are primarily patrollers. 



Mileage Club

Students in grades K-3 can participate in walking or running to earn milestone rewards. The purpose of Mileage Club is to encourage healthy heart living by being physically active. 


Garden Buddies

Students in 8th grade "buddy up" with Kindergarten students to manage the school garden.  The teachers in charge of this club include Mrs. Dubbs and Mrs. Hawes.